Our panel of attorneys will discuss the impacts of the Law Against Discrimination and the new Fair Chance at Housing Law on the day-to-day business practices of professional realtors.
Local real estate attorney Andrew Kranz, and Red Bank Mayor and attorney Pasquale Menna, will explain the new 5-page Attorney General Memorandum that accompanies NJ Listing Agreements. They will also discuss how this law effects not only housing providers, but also consumers in our local area. A representative Attorney from the NJ Division of Civil Rights will also participate on the panel to explain the history and context of Housing within the Law Against Discrimination. They will also be able to give insight into how the law effects advertising and marketing properties, particularly rentals. Finally, the attorney panel will be available to answer realtor questions regarding the law.
This is your opportunity to grow in your expertise about the Law Against Discrimination and important new legislation. Elevate your real estate practice and earn free continuing education credits (NJ REC Approval Pending).


New Jersey is the first state to pass a law ensuring the most criminal history records cannot be used to exclude individuals from housing.
The law was signed on Juneteeth 2021, and it went into effective practice as of January 2022. The FCHA defines housing providers as: landlords, owners, lessors, sublessors, assignees, or their agents. As realtors, it is our duty to our clients to be well-informed about this important new law.
The Attorney General’s Office always welcome feedback from the residents of New Jersey.
Submit your information to our Office of Constituent Services through the form below.
If you wish to speak to a representative, you may also contact the Office of Constituent Services by calling 609-984-5828
The Fair Chance at Housing Act is an outgrowth of the Law Against Discrimination, which is managed by the Attorney General's Office.